速報APP / 生產應用 / Tabs for Google - Gmail, Google Plus, Ma

Tabs for Google - Gmail, Google Plus, Ma


檔案大小:3.1 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Tabs for Google - Gmail, Google Plus, Maps and Search(圖1)-速報App

*************** "Tabs for Google" brings a handsome 4 in 1 package for you. ***************

Are you tried of switching among multiple apps ?

Are you searching for a perfectly working Google Maps app ?

Are you searching for a Gmail client ?

Tabs for Google - Gmail, Google Plus, Maps and Search(圖2)-速報App

Are you searching for a Google+ app ?

Are tired of irritating Google Search apps ?

If Yes, just check our FREE app and use Google+, Gmail, Google Search and Google Maps at one place. You don't need to switch among multiple apps for using these features. Now you can access Google+, Gmail, Google Search and Google Maps very easily with just one click. Sign-in once and access All your favourite Apps in one place.

Offline- Saves your current state in cache for offline use.

Tabs for Google - Gmail, Google Plus, Maps and Search(圖3)-速報App

********Disclaimer: This is an unofficial App. We are not affiliated with the publishers of this App title in any manner. No one has anyone else authorised, sponsored or sanctioned this unofficial App. It is the sole creation and responsibility of InVogue Studios.

Tabs for Google - Gmail, Google Plus, Maps and Search(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad